Tuesday 11 September 2007


Just as the new semester has brought this University to life in the past few days, so to has the sleeping giant of winters wind arisen from a summer of sedation. As I pedaled my bicycle to the office on this brisk morning I was reminded of the threat of winter as an actual force to be reckoned with. Winter as actual rather than the virtual theories of cultured objects that I have been pouring over for the past six months. It seemed fine to poke fun of winter from behind the tepid veil of a Northern Ontario summer, but now, now winter will have its revenge.

In the last few paragraphs of my draft thesis text I wrote of how the heat and light of summer granted me a boon, one that buoyed my writings of winter and ensured that I would never be far from the next sun-rise or warm sunny day. In earnest, I thanked summer for allowing me to complete an otherwise dark and cold subject from sinking under the snow.

Thus in a timely manner I am more than glad that I have at least managed to assemble the major portion of the written work, before this wind carrying a cold rain off Lake Superior decides that its time for the snow to fall.

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